Wordpress Tutorial For The Blogger

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zendesk.comWordpress is often rather noteworthy for most bloggers not just because it is mostly a free and open source blogging tool but the ease of being able to install wordpress on the web site even without technical skill. Bloggers who want to set up wordpress on their sites, can simply search for the wordpress tutorials online and with easy instructions, wordpress can be installed in just a couple of minutes with a few clicks on the mouse. The administration section is user friendly to make it easy so that you can add blogs and articles for a site. Another reason for the recognition of wordpress is the quantity of wordpress themes you'll be able to download and use in your site. However, if you are not pleased with the wordpress themes, it's possible search all online totally free themes which will match your needs. 

How to install wordpress in your site

1. The first step can be to download the latest version of wordpresss through website

2. Afterwards, you are required to extract .zip/.tar.gz file. upload it to your server or any address you wish

3. The next step is to make a database using phyMyAdmin but make sure you have a distinctive prefix and avoid overwriting any existing database

4. By using your browser, return towards the address where you have uploaded wordpress; in case you have uploaded it in the wp folder, visit website and in case you have uploaded it on the wp folder of the local host, go to website

5. Wait for the page to open after which click Create a Configuration File button which will open new page where you must click "let's go"

6. You will arrive at the welcome page of wordpress where you must provide information before proceeding. You have to enter your database name, database username, database password and database host. Since you will be installing one wordpress in your database, you needn't change the Table prefix

7. After entering all the required information, click Submit

8. After submitting the desired info, click Run the Install button

9. Installation is done and Tour du lịch Myanmar từ hà nội you may login to the admin panel using your username and password

The wordpress tutorial takes only a few minutes of your efforts and you become a member of a community of wordpress users. You now become a member of a wordpress community who will reply to any questions you might want to ask so that you will gain the best from the blogging tool. You will appreciate why wordpress is powering over 60 million websites all around the globe and why it is usually being downloaded by bloggers millions of times to tailor tour myanmar từ hà nội for tour myanmar từ hà nội their specialized needs.