Sunfired — Aris LaTham

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Born to cook, eat, write and travel, Cat Cannizzaro is Australia's leading raw food gourmet chef. Creating safe space that you get attention and meaningful experience. Chef, caterer, pastry chef and restaurant cook are merely the most familiar four options, but there are hundreds of jobs in the food industry. Our Living Foods Teachers were the dynamic duo, Sayuri Tanaka and Ben Richards.

Creating raw, plant based, vegan and gluten free health food products is a passion of hers and her unique talent can be found displayed on her Instagram. Being a raw vegan takes things a step further by adding creativity to your foods. Her blog on the website features recipes showing how to use their ingredients to prepare raw dishes.

Our Raw Food Chef Certification & Training takes place on the tropical island of the Gods and Goddesses, Bali Raw Chef Training. Cooking the food means burning the enzymes and making them ineffective letting the toxins accumulate in the body and causing health problems. This is the most comprehensive raw nutrition and lifestyle chef program available; taking your skills, health, and energy to unprecedented levels.

Aurora's food is the tastiest, healthiest and most attractive I have eaten anywhere in the world. Regardless of all the diet advice and regimens out there, it's an undeniable fact that having a large proportion of living, raw foods in the diet keeps the body healthy, feeling good, and looking good.

Today I feel like a new person, free from these pestering symptoms that had robbed me from the joy of living healthy and strong and I know had I not dealt with these issues I would be struggling with an autoimmune disease. His "Live-foods for Everyone" message reaches a wide audience - Eric individually consults other rawfood and professional chefs, and people from all walks of life in many cultures.