Should You Turn Off The Submit Comment Feature In Your Blog In Order To Stop Spam

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The question is, should you do it in order to stop spam?
Is there no other way to stop spam?To solution this question, tour phượng hoàng cổ trấn you need to look at why you would want to enable blog comments on your blog. A little bloggers think that they have an active blog based on the number of comments that they receive. Inopportunely, that is erroneous perception since not all comments are legitimate comments.

A little are just spam comments.What are spam comments? Usually, someone who is genuinely interested in your content will write something that is relevant to your blog post. In any way, just to catch some back links, a little people actually submit comments that are totally irrelevant to the blogs.

To make things worse, they use automated tools to submit the comments. In other words, it may just be bots visiting your website. If you do nothing, the situation may become unmanageable. Imagine having thousands of spam comments in your blog. You won't even feel like moderating them.

Of course, the quickest solution is to turn off the blog commenting feature completely. It's like flicking a switch. Once comments have been set to off, your web traffics will not be able to leave comments on your blog. In a large number cases, this is not the ideal situation. A great number individuals and businesses depend on their blogs for phượng hoàng cổ trấn feedback.

They want their traffics to respond to their posts. So how do you keep commenting enabled, and at the same time, prevent spam? There are third party plugins that are built specifically to prevent spam comments. Once these plugins are installed, the blog will automatically check all incoming comments and filter out the ones that are most likely to be spam.

Of course, this is not the perfect solution as a little comments may still be accidentally flagged as spam by the plugin. But it's better than nothing.You can also add Captcha to your comment forms to ensure that all comments are submitted by human and not by software.

You never want bots to be able to comment on your blog. That will reduce the number of spam comments dramatically.Some bloggers choose to simply de-link all incoming comments. This will discourage spammers who have no real intent of leaving legitimate feedback.Blog commenting is a good way to interact with your fans and tour phượng hoàng cổ trấn readers.

If possible, try means and ways to keep this feature active. If you are running a business blog, it's even more important that you catch feedback from your customers. You need to realize what they are thinking in order to serve them better. And through simple blog comments, you will have a little sort of barometer to see where you stand.
You may then steer your business in the right direction and make more money.