Heat Up Winter with a Last Minute Romance in New England

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What are you doing this weekend? Imagine yourself by the fire in a cozy cabin. The weather outside may be frightful, but New England is the perfect place for a last minute romantic getaway. If you're in the mood for love, New England has just the right mood for you. Here's just a small sampling of the delicious romance you can find in one of the coziest winter holiday spots in the country.

When All You Need is Each Other' What could be tour shangrila more romantic than a weekend ' or midweek special ' in a New England Bed and Breakfast? From the Maine seashore to the Green Mountains of Western Massachusetts, there are hundreds of cozy inns and homes that open their doors to couples looking for the ultimate in romance. Step back in time at a local inn and cozy up together by the fireplace in your room. Bundle up and take a walk beneath the stars, or enjoy a midnight skating party on a frozen lake, or wrap up together for a romantic sleigh ride kynghidongduong.vn through a wintry wonderland. There are so many ways to light the spark that you'll find yourself coming back again and again to rekindle the romance in your relationship.

A Romantic City Getaway Romance blossoms even in the snow! A romantic Boston weekend is a surefire way to heat up your winter. Whether you choose to spend the weekend in a four-star luxury hotel or stay in a cozy turn-of-the-century inn, you'll find dozens of romantic activities to create a lifetime's worth of memories. Stroll hand in hand at Faneuil Hall Plaza, enjoying the Market atmosphere and the wide range of dining choices, then dress for dinner at the Four Seasons celebrated Aujord'hui Restaurant, named the city's most romantic restaurant. Spend Saturday afternoon ice skating on Boston Common, weather permitting ' or make an excursion to the North End to find Mike's Pastry, the home of the very best Italian pastry outside Italy. You can walk off the indulgence with a walk along the Freedom Trail and a hand-in-hand stroll through the Public Gardens. If you're looking for a little night Tour Lệ Giang life, you'll find everything from hard rock grunge clubs to sparkling ballroom tour shangrila dancing. A favorite choice ' jamming at the Cantab Lounge in Cambridge, where the drinks are cheap and the floor is always open.

Getaway to the Cape In the summer, Cape Cod bustles and bursts with tourists and families intent on getting their week out in the sun. Winters on Cape Cod are an entirely different story. With the tourists gone, you and your amore will have beautiful stretches of sandy beaches to yourself. Windswept shorelines and dunes for romantic walks under the stars contrast with cozy, fireplace cottages and cabins. Skip the hotel dining rooms if you're going for a romantic Cape Cod getaway, and find an off-season rental. You'll have an entire house to yourself, with beach access and all the amenities of home.

Make the Most of Last Minute Bookings Inspired to get away to romantic New England this weekend? Take the easy way out with travel deals aggregator for last minute listings.