Custom Peru Tours

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Give us your travel plans. 2. Our travel experts will personalize your vacation. 3. We’ll meet you in Enjoy 24/7 trip support. A fully customized vacation, just for you. A perfect introduction to the heartland of the Incas. Tick two of South America’s most sought after attractions off your wishlist during one trip. Peru has it all - stunning scenery, rich culture, and awe-inspiring sites. Experience the best of Peru with a personalized travel package that includes comfortable hotels, guides, transportation, and friendly, professional service from start to finish. Our expert Travel Advisors will work with you to create a tour itinerary that fits your needs and your travel style. Founded in 1998, we have served over 20,000 highly satisfied travelers.

We sell virtually all services available in Peru. Give us a call, fill out an online form, or email a request. You’ll hear back from your own travel advisor within 24 hours. Tell your travel advisor what kind of trip you want to have. Where do you want to go in Peru? What do you want to do? Our team is here to help you plan your dream vacation and give advice. Send us an email or give us a call. We’re here to help! Let us take care of the hard part. Your travel advisor will send you a fully customized itinerary based on your preferences and work with you until you are completely satisfied. Then it’s time to book your trip! Pack your bags and get fired up for an unforgettable adventure! Our team will be waiting to meet you on arrival in Peru.

Ready to start planning your vacation? Send us your travel plans. See what our travelers say about Peru For Less. With 20 years of experience planning custom trips to Latin America, we have the expertise and local know-how to ensure you have the trip of a lifetime. Ph.D. in Philosophy and Spanish Literature, University of Texas. Recipient of a John Simon Guggenheim Foundation grant. One of the most renowned Spanish-speaking Translated into 20 languages. Our team recommends the best hotels for a good night's sleep. Comfort and character guaranteed. Our staff handpicks the best hotels in the country to ensure you get comfort and character. Watch Our Clients, Our Best Investment.

In the afternoon, ride back to the town of Machu Picchu (former - Aguas Calientes) to catch the return train. Arrival at the station and return to Cusco.The Voyager Train Option:A train trip away to see one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. We arrive at the Aguas Calientes station where our staff will assist us on boarding the bus to go up the winding road to Machu Picchu, amid a spectacular view of the Urubamba River and its canyon. The Lost City of the Incas, Machu Picchu, will astonish us with its terraces, ceremonial shrines, steps and urban areas. Energy is all around us. At the arranged time, we will take the train back to Cusco to be transferred to the hotel. Seeking to promote responsible tourism, Inca Rail offers authentic travel experiences between the mystical Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu, providing its passengers safety, comfort and attention to every detail.

Towards the end of February is the wettest month in the Andes. The Inca Trail, as well as several other national parks in Peru, is closed throughout the month for essential maintenance. Machu Picchu remains open at this time. The trail reopens in March, though the highlands are still rainy through into early April. May and October, are the best times to trek the Inca Trail as permits may sell out slightly less fast as in the peak months, plus it's dry, and warmer than June, July and August. The Festival of the Sun (Inti Raymi) takes place towards the end of June and cities, such as Cuzco, always get busier with local crowds heading towards Machu Picchu.

Peru’s national vacation at the end of July is also a peak time for Peruvians to tackle the Inca Trail or visit Machu Picchu by train. The dry conditions prove popular with vacationmakers all the way through August and into September. By November, the rainy season is starting up again in earnest. However, you still might get some solid trekking conditions with nothing like the crowds of the summer - and you won't need to secure your pass quite as far in December is wet and attracts crowds over the vacations with accommodation and flight prices rising, despite the weather. Things ease off again in January - which is wet but without the vacation crowds.

Our eager tourist, headed for Peru, decides to cram as much as possible into his travelling schedule. Flying into Lima at sea level he catches a connecting flight to Cusco Best Tours, jumping up 3400m in an hour. He's got a headache when he wakes up in his hotel the next morning, but there's no time to waste. Without delay he straps on his walking boots and heads out on the Inca Trail, a route that takes him up to 4200m at times on the way to Machu Picchu. He's not feeling too good as the trekking group reaches the first high pass; in fact, he can't even find the strength to lift his feet. Sinking to his knees with his head throbbing, the veins in his forehead bulge and, BOOOOOM! His head explodes like a balloon full of jelly.

OK, that last bit never happened. Nevertheless, being aware of the effects of altitude can make the difference between the trip of a lifetime and an unpleasant struggle. What Causes Altitude Sickness? Unfortunately, the might of modern medical research can still not fully determine the causes of altitude sickness. However, it is thought in general that the drop in density from the oxygen at higher altitudes means that the body can not get the supply it needs and proceeds to let you know about it. Individuals can be affected at a range of different heights, but about 80% of people may feel affects at around 3000m above sea level.

The first thing is to check the altitude of the region to which you will be travelling and ask your tour company for expert advice. Make sure the tour operator you choose is honest and responsible with regard to altitude. In any case if you are not above 2000m altitude sickness is very unlikely. The speed of ascent is the most important factor; heading uphill as slowly as possible reduces the risk. As we mentioned before it also helps to take it easy for at least a couple of days after making the ascent to altitude before launching yourself into anything too strenuous. Heavier breathing in the thinner air also causes dehydration, so drinking plenty of water and staying clear of alcohol-fuelled nights as you get higher will prevent problems. Prevention is obviously the best measure. Any of these could indicate that you are experiencing altitude sickness. Rest and drinking water are the best way to recover at the same height (chewing coca leaves or drinking coca tea where available is also a well recognised remedy) but if things get unbearable, descent is your only option. Painkillers won't resolve the problem and sufferers should definitely not make a bid for higher altitudes.

South America is 4th largest continent of the world comprises of 12 countries and has remarkable variety in geographical features. South America is characterized by historical sites, abundant natural beauty, pristine forests and architectural wonders. The vibrant and colorful cities will enthrall you as will the lush green countryside. You can have an exciting vacation by touring countries like Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Ecuador. Peru can be the ideal destination for adventure lovers. The contrasting Andes, Amazon and Atacama Desert provide the perfect backdrop for any adventure tour. You can witness the beauty of Peru through India Fine Tours - Peru Adventure Tours and also have your dose of adventure by following the Inca trail through Machu Picchu. The land of the Incas has since ages beckoned thousands of tourists. Your trek through the countryside will culminate at Machu Picchu, one of the ancient seats of Inca civilization.

But before that you can hike in the Sacred Valley and view the ancient ruins. Cruising in the Amazon rainforest can prove to be a rewarding experience. You will also get opportunities to meet the local people and have a taste of their life. Shop for mementos at Cuzco and take back loads of memories of this colorful place. You can hike through the cloud forests and explore it to your heart’s content or go for cycling in the Cotopaxi - the active volcano. Your love for water and wildlife can bring you to the Galapagos Islands. You will come across animals like sea lions and giant tortoises and blue footed boobies.

Bird watchers can have a gala time watching while watching pelicans, finches and cormorants. There is plenty for water lovers also. You can go for scuba diving and snorkeling in the emerald waters that surround these enchanting islands. People who want to go off the beaten path can go for hiking in the Volcanoes and get stunned by the spectacular views of the Archipelago. Costa Rica can spring some surprises for adventure lovers like you. Kick off your Costa Rica tour with hiking in the Manuel Antonio National Park. You can relax on the pristine beaches near If you are looking for more adventure then whitewater rafting in the Pacuare River is what you should try.

Snorkeling in Cano Island will allow you to view wildlife that the region is famous for. Stony mountains that rises abruptly and barren scenery with strikingly beautiful coast line are what makes Patagonia the paradise of adventure lovers. The amazing landscape offers incredible views that you can enjoy while hiking, boating and biking. The contrasting topography makes South America a superb destination. South America tours have everything to make adventure lovers challenge themselves and delve deeper into its beauty. There are still places that are waiting for you to discover and South America welcomes you to find those hidden gems. Author's Bio: India Fine Tours promises to offer an exciting vacation and adventure tours to South America.