Edición de «Top Travel Attractions in Holland»

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Thereby, if selecting the Netherlands as a place to visit, it is not necessarily to stick to Amsterdam exclusively. Fortunately, there are more must-see sights around that it seems at first glance.<br><br>Madurodam is a trademark of the Hague. The park of miniatures covers the biggest sightseeing spots in the country scaled in 1:25. Thus, here one may enjoy all the beauty of Holland in sole place. In the park there is a small pavilion, which houses the sculptures made [https://www.kynghidongduong.vn/tours/tour-trung-quoc-nam-ninh-truong-gia-gioi-phuong-hoang-co-tran-6-ngay.html tour phượng hoàng cổ trấn] ��of ice (at the entrance you will be given a special vests not to get cold). From April 22 to October 30 the park runs 15-minute laser show, which demonstrates the attempts to rescue the Netherlands from terrible floods.<br><br>Euromast in Rotterdam is the tallest building 185 meters high and at the same time it is the number one place that is worth to see and visit in Rotterdam. Inside the tower there is a restaurant and a hotel with two VIP-rooms, and outside - the [https://Google.com/maps/search/observation%20deck observation deck] "Crow's Nest" (at a height of 96 meters). From the observation platform one can see a moving "EuroScope" - a special cabin with transparent walls and [http://www.trainingzone.Co.uk/search/hatches hatches] in the floor that rise and rotate around its axis, showing you all of Rotterdam.<br><br>Muiderslot is likely to be [https://www.kynghidongduong.vn/tours/tour-trung-quoc-nam-ninh-truong-gia-gioi-phuong-hoang-co-tran-6-ngay.html kynghidongduong.vn] titled the most gorgeous of Dutch castles. It is located in the town of Maiden, that on the way from Amsterdam to Utrecht. Muiderslot was founded by the order of Floris V in 1280. By all the laws of fortification, it remains at present the highest, surrounded by walls with battlements and a moat, filled with water.<br><br>Mauritshuis (The Hague) exhibits one of the highlights of Dutch art - Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer. Since 1822 the museum shows the royal art collection. Gallery is not large, but the quality compensates for the amount of pictures: it has gathered the [https://www.kynghidongduong.vn/tours/tour-trung-quoc-nam-ninh-truong-gia-gioi-phuong-hoang-co-tran-6-ngay.html tour trương gia giới] best of the best works of the old masters.<br><br>Groningen Museum was founded in 1894. Its collection included the collection of modern paintings, a collection of porcelain and Asian art. In 1994, the museum moved to a new building, constructed on an artificial island in the channel Verbindingskanaal (1 km south of the Market Square). Regardless of great value of Amsterdam National Museum, this one in Groningen is quite superior if looking for old art collections and gatherings of Dutch art masterworks.
Thereby, if selecting the Netherlands as a place to visit, it is not necessarily to stick to Amsterdam exclusively. Fortunately, there are more must-see sights around that it seems at first glance.<br><br>Madurodam is a trademark of the Hague. The park of miniatures covers the biggest sightseeing spots in the country scaled in 1:25. Thus, here one may enjoy all the beauty of Holland in sole place. In the park there is a small pavilion, which houses the sculptures made ��of ice (at the entrance you will be given a special vests not to get cold). From April 22 to October 30 the park runs 15-minute laser show, which demonstrates the attempts to rescue the Netherlands from terrible floods.<br><br>Euromast in Rotterdam is the tallest building 185 meters high and at the same time it is the number one place that is [https://www.kynghidongduong.vn/tours/tour-trung-quoc-nam-ninh-truong-gia-gioi-phuong-hoang-co-tran-6-ngay.html tour trương gia giới] worth to see and visit in Rotterdam. Inside the tower there is a restaurant and a hotel with two VIP-rooms, and outside - the observation deck "Crow's Nest" (at a height of 96 meters). From the observation platform one can see a moving "EuroScope" - a special cabin with transparent walls and hatches in the floor that rise and rotate around its axis, showing you all of Rotterdam.<br><br>Muiderslot is likely to be titled the most gorgeous of Dutch castles. It is located in the town of Maiden, that on the way from Amsterdam to Utrecht. Muiderslot was founded by the order of Floris V in 1280. By all the laws of fortification, it remains at present the highest, surrounded by walls with battlements and a moat, filled with water.<br><br>Mauritshuis (The Hague) exhibits one of the highlights of Dutch art -  [https://www.kynghidongduong.vn/tours/tour-trung-quoc-nam-ninh-truong-gia-gioi-phuong-hoang-co-tran-6-ngay.html kynghidongduong.vn] Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer. Since 1822 the museum shows the royal art collection. Gallery is not large, but the quality compensates for the amount of pictures: it has gathered the best of the best works of the old masters.<br><br>Groningen Museum was founded in 1894. Its collection included the collection of modern paintings, a collection of porcelain and Asian art. In 1994, the museum moved to a new building, [http://www.channel4.com/news/constructed constructed] on an artificial island in the channel Verbindingskanaal (1 km south of the Market Square). [https://www.kynghidongduong.vn/tours/tour-trung-quoc-nam-ninh-truong-gia-gioi-phuong-hoang-co-tran-6-ngay.html tour trương gia giới] Regardless of great value of [http://www.gameinformer.com/search/searchresults.aspx?q=Amsterdam%20National Amsterdam National] Museum, [https://www.kynghidongduong.vn/tours/tour-trung-quoc-nam-ninh-truong-gia-gioi-phuong-hoang-co-tran-6-ngay.html tour viên gia giới] this one in Groningen is quite superior if looking for old art collections and gatherings of Dutch art masterworks.

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