Combat Shooter System Review

De Wikis2i
Revisión del 12:24 15 abr 2019 de NorineLitchfield (discusión | contribuciones) (Página creada con «The same thing goes for the person who harasses you with comments or indecent propositions. This could start out as a seemingly harmless question from them concerning what...»)
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The same thing goes for the person who harasses you with comments or indecent propositions. This could start out as a seemingly harmless question from them concerning what time it is or directions to someplace. Don't act weak or afraid. Look them in the eye and be confident in your response. This could be a ploy to get an indication of how easy a target you might be. If, after getting the time or directions, the person continues to follow you, turn to confront him and say "LEAVE ME ALONE, GET AWAY". Get your pepper spray ready for use if he still does not seem to get the message. Do not turn your back on this person. Back away, keeping an eye on him. He either has to leave or he will pressure you, in which case use the spray to stop him and go for help. He will be out of commission for up to 45 minutes, giving you time to get proper authorities notified and possibly save someone else from a fateful encounter with him.

You should be careful when approached by a street person asking for tour phượng hoàng cổ trấn money. Sometimes they are testing you to see how weak or strong you are in order to possibly up the ante to a physical confrontation. If you stop and face them, using eye contact and strong body language, they will most likely leave you alone. You don't want to show weakness, avoiding eye contact, looking down, acting like a victim. This could lead to them following you to a less conspicuous place to attack and rob you.

Sometimes what might be considered verbal abuse is directed towards you from a panhandler or street person asking for money. This is NOT a time to use your defense spray. These people are usually harmless but can be intoxicated and not always in their right minds. They will usually leave you alone if you ignore them, although some may throw verbal abuse at you as you walk by. As long as they are only asking for something, it is not an assault. If it turns into a demand, that is when it is considered an assault and phượng hoàng cổ trấn use of the pepper spray is appropriate.

A demand made by someone to you such as "give me your purse or I'll hurt you" is certainly to be considered a verbal assault. This is a situation when it would be appropriate to have your pepper spray in hand and ready to use. If the threatening person begins advancing towards you, hold up your free hand, saying "STOP" or "GET AWAY". This should distract him enough to allow you to spray with the other hand, backing away as you do. Aim right for phượng hoàng cổ trấn his face and don't wave the spray around. It should only take a one to two second blast to stop him in his tracks.