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What is Vitiligo and Why?

Vitiligo is an auto immune disorder that causes loss of melanin pigment in skin resulting into uneven white patches. It is a progressive disorder in which the pigment cells of skin get damaged, lose their functional ability of melanin formation and also fail to transfer the melanin content from basal layer of skin to the upper layer which results in vitiligenous patches. Vitiligo problem can only be controlled and never cured completely.

What happens in Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder in which the body's immune cells target and destroy melanocytes in certain areas.

It can be localised or generalised in nature.

Tyrosinase enzyme activity, melanin production and its transfer to the top layer of skin decreases.
Whom does it affect?

People develop the condition prior to age 40.

About 50% develop vitiligo before age 20.

It is sometimes inherited and also associated with other medical conditions like thyroid.
Treat Vitiligo naturally

Psoralea corylifolia or babchi- It contains Psoralen which on absorption of sun light activates the damaged melanocytes (pigment producing skin cells) resulting into production of melanin.

Wrightia tinctoria or Vetpalai - Augments healing properties of skin.

Indigofera tinctoria- Acts as anti-oxidant and contain natural pigment indigo.

Piper longum or long pepper- Induces multiplication of pigment cells and also helps in the melanin transfer from the basal layer of the skin to the uppermost layer.

Therefore, ointments, lam visa my oils containing all these herbs can be of great help in managing vitiligo.

But being vitiligo an autoimmune disorder topical therapy alone may not be highly effective and oral medication is also required.
Medicines for Vitiligo Cure:

Tolenorm oil for Vitiligo Cure:

Improves melanogenesis / melanin synthesis

Increases tyrosinase activity

Enhances a-MSH activity

Vitiligo and hypopigmentary disorders

Vitiligo Cream - Herbal cream for vitiligo treatment

Increases skin pigmentation.

Offers sun protection.

Improves tyrosinase activity.


Vitiligo and hypopigmentary disorders.