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Our wide-variety of double glazing products can fit in with the style of any South Gyle home. They provide multiple benefits, not only improving the look of your property, but adding security and improving thermal efficiency. Our installations are carried out to the highest quality, so if you choose SRJ for your double glazing project, you’ll receive nothing but the best service from Trusted trader our customers can have complete peace of mind that they are receiving only the best installation from a company that works to strict guidelines. An important aspect to consider when purchasing any double glazing product is if it will improve the security of your A double glazed door or window, for instance, can act as the first port of call for potential burglars looking to gain entry to your property.

That’s why all our uPVC, aluminium and composite products are manufactured to be highly secure, to keep your home safe. Whether you want to add a new space in your home to enjoy reading in the sun, or you want to add an extra layer of security to your property, we will find a product to suit you. Our uPVC window range can be matched to any style of South Gyle property, be it old or new, classic or modern. Our windows are manufactured with the latest window technology and double glazing. This will not only improve the security of your home but make it more thermally efficient, reducing your carbon footprint. We manufacture our doors with premium-quality materials to give our South Gyle customers complete peace of mind that they are receiving the best.

Our uPVC doors will provide your home with an extra level of security and help to make your property more thermally efficient, saving you money on your energy bills. Windows and doors are not our only speciality. Our South Gyle customers can choose from a variety of other products that can improve their property, such as a conservatory. If you’d rather have a space that feels like a conservatory but offers the benefits of an extension, we fit orangeries & sunrooms. Other products we can fit at your home includes house extensions, and replacement roofs. A conservatory is the perfect way to open-up your South Gyle home and allow for natural sunlight to flood in. In the long-term, this will not only give you a space to enjoy year-round but will reduce your reliance on central heating. With more than 25 years of experience, our installers will make sure to deliver a product that fits in with your home. Our extensions are built to accommodate the weather in South Gyle, whether that be high winds, rain or snow. We achieve this through using NASA satellite data, allowing SRJ to take a modern approach to give better standards to our customers. Are you looking for inspiration for your new double glazing project? Head to our projects page to see how our previous installations have gone and why our customers rate us so highly after 25 years.

Bay windows are done with additives like Titanium dioxide which has the ability to take the onslaught of UV rays and also retain the color for years. This is a premium quality by all standards. India being a tropical as well as a coastal region is subjected to heat and monsoon severely. The UPVC version is able to bear the wind force and also bear the conditions owing to harsh winter weathers like storms. The casings as well as the built-up of the windows maintain the combination of durability along with sophistication which is a primary demand among people who have a flair for supreme windows. The professionals on visiting the site will explain the right size for each room and the windows are customized which is another unique feature of the bay windows.

Professional advice about the same and more answers to your queries are given on site too. Harsh weathers or extreme heat makes the windows pale but with UPVC windows the same is not applicable. A simple cleaning mechanism helps it to stay squeaky clean and the windows always stay remarkable despite the weather condition outside. For peace of mind and also cutting off all kinds of noises, windows are the best especially for those who love the solitude of silence. The windows are noise proof and do not allow external sounds to enter which gives you the need of your space and also allows you to watch television especially on a Home Theater with much better feel. The frames for the windows are quality and premium colors are used like mahogany or oak finish. This ensure classy feel to all your rooms. The rooms can also be connected along with the windows via a balcony which certainly enhances the appeal of your interior. Going with green building concept, which is much required for the new age buildings and architecture, the windows sustain temperature and hence are able to help you maintain the air-conditioning bills and there by save energy and power. Simple slide doors to French windows are now possible in the best class windows. We must provide people with the news and information, they values your time and adheres to strict standards of quality and timeliness.

Want to protect your room from chilling cold? Then you should use the upvc windows for your home. Day by day most of the people are shifting to these kinds of windows. Now let's watch out the factor which makes these windows so popular. Let's first understand the meaning of The basic reason behind that is the fact, the frame used in this kind of windows are made up of poly vinyl chloride (PVC). In this PVC the steel which is galvanized is put inside. This is the reason that makes them so strong. Now let's understand the fact that why people choose the UPVC windows? Well to get that answer we have to understand the basic features of these windows. There are several factors which makes this type of windows so popular.

Firstly these windows are weather proof, storm proof, noise proof which makes them really unique. Another feature of this window is its strong insulating power. This window keeps your room hot and insulated. That's why mostly in the colder places you will find most of the houses using these kinds of windows. Another feature of these kinds of windows is its big range of shapes and sizes. If you are staying in a small room then the shape of the window will be very different from those of the big rooms. So here you really don't have to worry as they come in different shapes and cuts so it gets fitted in all kinds of windows. These upvc doors and windows are available in the market in a variety of colors. So now you don't have to stick to those boring colors any more.

You can select those windows that suit your room and the color of your room. Other than this there are other plenty of features like the following: It is anti rust and does not corrode. They are stylish, flexible, easy to install and fabricate. They need low maintenance and are durable. They have good aesthetics, air tightness, and water tightness. It reduces power mad has high and strong quality, long life. This window is secure and the cleaning is easy. There are a huge variety of style and pattern of upvc windows available in the market.. All these patterns are very really beautiful and attractive in looks. Some of such patterns are Casement windows, French windows, Combination windows, Sliding windows, Tilt and turn windows and many more.

Double glazing. Triple glazing. Insulated windows. Double-glazed windows. Triple-glazed windows. You’ve probably heard those terms before, but if you aren’t or haven’t been involved in construction and design work, or in the retrofitting of your own house, then you may not know exactly what they mean. If you are unfamiliar with these terms, I’m going to provide a basic overview of the terminology and what exactly it relates to in practice, as well as a brief discussion of the problems that can arise with such tech. Double glazing refers to the use of two panes of glass with an evacuated space between or a high-performance fill-gas, and triple glazing refers to three panes of glass with two evacuated spaces or gas-filled spaces.

Insulated or double-glazed windows date back to at least 1865, when an American by the name of Thomas Stetson patented a system whereby two panes of glass were sealed with a glass-edge. Further patents were filed in the 1930s by other parties, and followed quickly by products including the "Thermopane" branded ones — that word is now in common use to denote any insulated window products. All of that said, the basic idea for double- and triple-glazed windows clearly builds upon earlier "storm window" designs. Storm windows essentially just being (generally removable) second-layers outside the building used to provide further insulation during cold weather.

The primary downside to conventional storm window designs is the space required, and storage during summer months. What double-glazed and triple-glazed windows bring the table are their relatively compact footprints (which allows them to easily take the place of conventional windows, while also allowing for the use of screens during open-window weather) and better air-seals. Double-glazed or triple-glazed insulated windows are one of the key components in passive solar home and building design. Generally speaking, the thicker the gas-filled space is the more effective it will be with regard to limiting thermal conductivity. Glazed windows utilizing evacuated vacuum spacing are a somewhat different matter — with effectiveness mostly depending upon the effectiveness of the manufacturing process. As noted before, when vacuum glazing isn’t used, reliance upon gases that offer better thermal performance than air are generally used — in particular, argon is used a lot, and krypton is used occasionally.

The thermal conductivity of argon is just 67% that if air, and the thermal conductivity of krypton is itself only around half of that of argon. Both gases are considered to be non-toxic, chemically inert, relatively easy to source, transparent, and odor-free — hence their widespread use. Occasionally the potent greenhouse gas sulfur hexafluoride is also used — partly due to its effective sound-insulating qualities, and partly due to thermal conductivity somewhat better than that of argon — but this isn’t particularly widespread in many regions. Sound-proofing is a benefit of double-glazed and [ Triple Glazing Southall]-glazed windows, which accompanies and adds to the thermal insulation capacity features. While all windows featuring multiple panes will provide some sound-proofing capacity, designs featuring higher numbers of panes and/or asymmetric thickness in different panes perform the best.

And, as noted previously, the potent greenhouse gas sulfur hexafluoride functions particularly well in this capacity. The spacers used will of course greatly affect sound transfer as well. The primary cause of such seal-failures is the same as it is for the formation of cracks: the presence of large differences in temperature between the inner and outer glass panes, and thus the spacer adhesives as well. Think of a glass bottle being moved rapidly from extreme heat to cold to get an idea of what happens. Partial-shading of single panes can also lead to cracking — as is true of conventional glass windows as well. These problems can be prevented to some degree by utilizing thicker glass panes in the windows — which comes with associated higher costs and weights.

Also, limiting the differences in temperature between panes by tripling-up, quadrupling-up or quintupling up the number of panes, can be an effective way to limit the temperature differentials between adjacent panes. With regard to longevity, most double-glazed and triple-glazed windows simply aren’t going to maintain their high thermal performance for as long as the windows themselves remain functional as windows. Speaking generally, lifespans will vary to a great degree depending upon placement, typical indoor/outdoor temperature differences, shading or sunlight exposure, and local climate and weather conditions. James Ayre James Ayre's background is predominantly in geopolitics and history, but he has an obsessive interest in pretty much everything. After an early life spent in the Imperial Free City of Dortmund, James followed the river Ruhr to Cofbuokheim, where he attended the University of And where he also briefly considered entering the coal mining business. He currently writes for a living, on a broad variety of subjects, ranging from science, to politics, to military history, to renewable energy. Insulation R-Value — What Is It Exactly? Which Materials Are The Best Rated?

Windows are a large source of heat loss in a home - but who want to live in the dark? Brighten up a home without sacrificing energy efficiency with insulated glass. Insulated glass units (IGUs) prevent heat loss through your glass doors and windows. The units consist of two panes of glass separated by an inert gas. The insulating layer provided by the gas between the windowpanes diffuses heat transfer. Most modern homes and buildings use insulated glass. The windows provide the same benefits of single-pane windows, with energy efficiency that helps homeowners save money. Why Is It Called a Unit? Insulated glass is often referred to as a unit since most of the parts are dependent on another for proper performance. Unlike single-pane glass, IGU glass panes are part of a sealed system that can’t be replaced individually.

Glass - The glass in IGUs can be a range of thicknesses or type. Laminated or tempered glass may be used in areas where safety or strength is a priority. IGUs can also contain up to three panes of glass where extra heat or sound insulation is required. Thicker glass is more expensive but more efficient. Spacer - IGUs utilize a spacer that separates the two glass panes where they meet at the edges / window These spacers usually have some sort of desiccant to absorb moisture between the panes and prevent fogging. The width of the spacers depends on the gas used for insulation and window type.

Generally, the wider the spacer, the more efficient (and expensive) the window. Window Frame - Insulated glass is used in many different types of windows where efficiency is required: double hung windows, picture windows, casement windows and skylights use insulated glass to prevent heat loss. Gas - The gas used between the glass panes varies with each manufacturer. In general, an inert gas such as argon, krypton or a mixture of both creates the insulating barrier between the indoors and outdoors. Windows are a well-known problem when it comes to energy efficiency. By keeping the ambient indoor air temperature insulated from the outside, IGUs help lower your energy bill. The performance of insulated glass is determined by the thickness of the glass and the insulating space between each pane.

To improve the situation even further, window coatings can be combined with IGUs to create an efficient window that also reflects sunlight in warm climates or even absorbs and contains sunlight in colder climates. Coatings are applied on the interior of IGUs to reflect UV light back into homes to retain warmth, or on the outside to keep sunlight from heating up a home. For maximum performance, multiple surfaces of the IGU can be coated, though this comes at a higher cost. In double-pane windows there are four surfaces that can be coated. Not every window in a home may need the same coating. Windows facing south see the most sun exposure and may require different coatings than a north-facing window. Depending on budget, homeowners may find it more practical to invest in more efficient IGUs for south-facing windows. Is your insulated glass fogging? Are you looking to replace single-pane windows and lower your energy bill? Your local Glass Doctor is ready to answer your questions and service your insulate glass units. Now that you know what IGUs are, you can keep them crystal clear with this homemade window-cleaning solution. This tip comes from Molly Maid, another trusted provider in Neighborly’s network of professional home service professionals.

The industry really has run away with bi-folding doors over the past few years hasn’t it. They have become a must have product for hundreds of thousands of homeowners across the UK, in the attempt to open up a room fully or really make the most of the gardens. In the PVC, aluminium and timber worlds, there is a glut of choice of bi-fold door products, almost too much. Oddly, last year the bi-fold sector lost 7%, perhaps something not many of us saw coming. Still, the bi-fold market is a massive one, and will probably continue to grow long But lets not forget the humble sliding patio door, one of the products many homeowners have left behind in favour of this new modern folding option. So, which one is better?

Well, when it comes to opening space, there is no denying bi-folding doors come out on top on this one. Whilst a normal residential sliding door can open, there is always a fixed section which you can do little about. You could go down the route of a more commercial or architectural sliding patio door which has the extra runners to allow the normally fixed section to slide away, allowing for the full opening to be used. But that is a much more expensive option. A bi-folding door can easily achieve a full opening, be it two metres wide or six. When it comes to style though, people often forget how good a sliding patio door can look.

Say you have a five metre wide opening facing onto your garden with views that go on for miles. Do you want to have a five section bi-fold, with four uprights spoiling that view? Probably not. But with the higher end aluminium sliding doors you could fit a quite visually impressive two section door, giving you maximum glass, almost uninterrupted views and still a big opening space with it. Can’t say that with bi-folds! I’m looking at this more from a homeowner’s perspective rather than an industry one. On the surface, a sliding door might be the cheaper option. In the PVC world this is usually the case. Bi-folds require more manufacturing, there’s a lot more to it than a slider.

Therefore, logic dictates that bi-folds should cost more. But the same might not be said in the world of If you take the above example of the big five metre aluminium bi-fold versus the five meter sliding patio door, there may not be that much difference. A sliding aluminium door of that size could cost a pretty penny. Could it be much more than it’s bi-fold equivalent? It might not be. I’m sure my friends in the aluminium world can help educate me here - comments welcome in the section below! In the end, most homeowners will settle on one side of the fence or the other according to what their property will allow and how they intend to use it. For maximum views and minimal space incursions, a slider will be best. For maximum opening space and creating a visually impressive look, bi-folds are the answer. When it comes to the industry though, I think we may have ditched the sliding door a bit too There has been so much emphasis on bi-folding doors over the past few years, that we seem to have forgotten some of the most useful and reliable products we have been selling for years. I know that Paul Ogle from Olsen UK will agree with me on this. As always, I would love you feedback and reactions. Please leave all comments in the section below.

Why in the world, you ask, would someone want to replace a double-pane window with a single pane? There are two reasons for this. One is the time factor. As far as the actual job is concerned, converting a commercial double-pane window to a single pane is a relatively simple matter. For modern storefront glazing (known as "flush-glaze") manufacturers sell a simple converter system that drops into the existing frame and re-configures it to a single-glazing width. Converting a residential window, however, is a different story. On a fairly regular basis I come across a homeowner or, more typically, an apartment dweller who, for one reason or another absolutely insists that they need to have their double-pane window repaired that very same day.

It is for these customers I have developed the following method for doing such a repair, the result of which is semi-permanent (it can be easily reversed), and has an air-tight, water-tight Next, a second bead of silicone is laid around the edge of the interior side of the glass. I've been doing this type of window repair for almost 15 years and have never had a single call-back or complaint. There are, however, two caveats that must be explained to the customer before I agree to do the job. The first is obvious - that they lose the thermal properties of having a double-pane window. The second is that, while the window will look the same from the outside, there will in fact be a gap of a 1/2 to 3/4 inch inside the sash. After all, if you put a 1/4 piece of glass into an opening that measures 7/8 of an inch, you still have a 5/8 inch difference. As it is, the inside of the sash is the same color as the outside, so the visual difference is negligible.