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Can you attract a straight line? Most grown ups don’t consider on their own artistic. Parents do, however, worry about their toddler’s art abilities. As a child care provider for the past 10 years, I’ve had many discussions with parents about ‘how their toddler is doing’ as much as getting ready for preschool or kindergarten. They will worry a lot about the final product of their toddler’s art projects. I try to make clear for them that art is not simply knowing how to draw a flower or a puppy, or whether or not little Jerrika colors in the lines. Little kids need to see self-expression and the ‘doing of art’ more than having a page from a coloring book to hang on the fridge.

When a two-year old puts his chubby little hand in a tub of finger paint and happily smears all of the colors together on the paper or if he makes yet another ‘snowman’ out of play-doh, he is creating. Granted, he will certainly inform you that his painting is his dad’s truck while you ‘just can not see it. ’ The particular important thing to bear in mind is that by allowing our little kids to experience art in their own way, we be sure to let them show us how they see the world around them, how they feel and think.

I always enjoy art time with my toddler and kindergarten age groups. Yeah, they can make a chaos, nevertheless they just wiggle with excitement once i take out there the ‘arts & crafts’ tub of supplies! Getting been a military spouse and lived in a few different places, I have always returned to providing home day care. Since a result, I’ve had to make do with whatever space I can find in the many homes we have lived in. There’s not always a lot of room, but art may take place just about anywhere. I’ve found that the activity is most effective when it’s pre-planned and when I’ve set goals for the experience.

Art is important for toddlers due to the way it makes little kids feel special and good about themselves. When your toddler finishes a publication cut-out collage and keeps up his masterpiece to you with that glowing smile doesn’t that make you really feel good about both of you? Through creating simple art projects, that same toddler is not just learning to take pride in his accomplishments, but also to think and refine his hand-eye coordination and physical skills. Through art, children learn to identify colors, cause-and-effect, shapes, problem solving, sharing and assistance among a great many other skills.

Moms and dads must be sure you ask kids or preschoolers questions about their projects that will make them think about what they’ve made rather than ask them ‘What is that? ’ For example, ‘C. J., tell Mommy about your painting. ’ C. J will start to speak about his work or anything else he feels important at the time! This shows your child that you are thinking about what he thinks and aren’t’ just confused about what you see! Make sure to hang the art work up in a prominent place at home so the complete family can enjoy it.

Art experiences are a major part of a toddler’s daily activities. They may have grown enough to understanding objects and tear document and hold crayons and brushes. Naturally they are thrilled with the anticipation of a new art project, and most significantly, with the quality time spent with the important adults in his/her life.