What contient is Saudi Arabia on

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Saudi Arabia is on the Asian Continent.

What is the state of Saudi Arabia?
what is the state of Saudi Arabia what is the state of Saudi Arabia what is the state of Saudi Arabia

Where is Mekka Mekka is in Saudi-Arabia.?
Mekka is in Saudi-Arabia Mekka is in Saudi-Arabia

Is Asia the capital of Saudi Arabia?
No. Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is on the continent of Asia.

What nationality is a person from Saudi Arabia?
A national of Saudi Arabia is a Saudi.

Is Saudi Arabia in Saudi Arabia?

Is Saudi Arabia in the Bible?
Yes, not by Saudi Arabia but just Arabia then.

How is the president of Saudi Arabia?
There is no "president" in Saudi Arabia. Hence the name The KINGDOM of Saudi Arabia. This country does not have a democracy, but a monarcy. The king of Saudi Arabia is currently King Abdullah.

How is Saudi Arabia?
If you are asking "What is Saudi Arabia?" Then here is your answer .. Saudi Arabia is a country .. Saudi Arabia is located in the far south-west of Asia And it's an Arabic-Muslim country ..

What is the zip code for Tabuk Saudi Arabia?
There are no zip-codes in Saudi Arabia There are no zip-codes in Saudi Arabia

What is Saudi Arabia and where is Saudi Arabia?
Saudi Arabia is the largest Arabian country in the Arabian peninsula and is situated in Asia.

Name of currency in Saudi Arabia?
The currency of Saudi Arabia is the Saudi Riyals.

What county is Saudi Arabia in?
Saudi Arabia IS A COUNTRY.

What is postcode of Saudi Arabia?
What is the Postcaode For Saudi Arabia

Which is larger Iran or Saudi Arabia?
saudi arabia

Is there pyramids in Saudi Arabia?
No, there are no pyramids in Saudi Arabia.

Within which country is Riyadh?
Riyadh is in Saudi Arabia. It is the capital of Saudi Arabia. Riyadh is located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Which country is bigger Iran or Saudi Arabia?
Saudi Arabia -Iran = 1,636,000 km2 -Saudi Arabia = 2,149,690 km2

Is Oman part of Saudi Arabia?
No. Oman is a distinct country from Saudi Arabia, but both countries are on the kynghidongduong.vn Arabian Peninsula.

What is the currency name in Saudi Arabia?
The currency in Saudi Arabia is the Saudi Riyals (SAR).

What is the address of Saudi airline Recruitment in Saudi Arabia?
Riyadh-kingdom of Saudi arabia

What is the name of the president of the Saudi Arabia?
For one, this country is called The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. That tells you two things: it's not "the Saudi Arabia" and there is no president. Saudi Arabia has a KING and his name is King Abdullah.

Ministry of HEALTH exam for dentist in Saudi Arabia?
saudi arabia is an islamic country .In saudi arabia there is holy place "MAKKAH".saudi arabia is tax free country and a very nice country.

Is Saudi Arabia a democracy?
No. Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy. Voting only occurs for municipal offices. All state-level and national offices are directly appointed by the King of Saudi Arabia and his advisers (who are themselves appointed by the King).

What country is saudi arabia in?
Saudi Arabia is its own country.

Saudi Arabia is in what country?
Saudi Arabia is its own country.

Riyadh is the capital of what country?
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia.

Is Saudi Arabia in Eurasia or Africa?
Saudi Arabia is dubai in Asia.

What age you can vote in Saudi Arabia?
There are no elections in Saudi Arabia.

Does Saudi Arabia have a nickname?
KSA (kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

Where are Muslims mostly located?
in Saudi Arabia in Saudi Arabia

Who rules Saudi Arabia?
Saudi Arabia is ruled by a king.

First name of Saudi Arabia?
kingdom of Saudi Arabia

What is the government for Saudi Arabia?
Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy.

Is Saudi Arabia in Europe?
No. Saudi Arabia is in southwest Asia.

What are the important rivers of Saudi Arabia?
there is no rivers in Saudi Arabia

What is official name of dubai Saudi Arabia?
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

What are the names of the lakes in Saudi Arabia?
There are no lakes in Saudi Arabia.

What country is richer Switzerland or Saudi Arabia?
Saudi Arabia

Which country is bigger Saudi Arabia or Turkey?
Saudi Arabia

Is King Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz the President of Saudi Arabia?
No. He is the King of Saudi Arabia. He is also the Commander of the Saudi National Guard. Saudi Arabia has no President.

Who is the Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia?
King Abdullahis the Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia. The King of Saudi Arabia is the head of state and head of government in Saudi Arabia. King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud became the King of Saudi Arabia on 2005 August 1.

What is the national currency of Saudi Arabia?
Saudi riyal (SAR) is the national currency of Saudi Arabia.

Why doesn't Saudi Arabia change their name to Arabia?
because the royal family of Saudi Arabia are called "Al Sauud" and because of the effort of work their background had put in to make Saudi Arabia the way it is now,,they diserve it being Saudi Arabia

What bodies of water are to the east and to west of Saudi Arabia?
To the west of Saudi Arabia is the Red Sea. To the east of Saudi Arabia is the Persian Gulf.

Who colonized Saudi Arabia?
Saudi Arabia was never colonized. However, parts of Saudi Arabia were controlled by the Ottoman Empire for a few centuries.

Are Saudi Arabia and Arabia used interchangeably?
Only by people who do not know the geography of the World. Saudi Arabia is one of the countries of the Arabian peninsula. Saudi Arabia is a country while Arabia refers to the region.

What is the main religion in Saudi Arabia?
In Saudi Arabia most people are Muslim. The holiest site of Islam, the Grand Mosque of Mecca is also located in Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia there is only one religion which is Islam

Is Saudi Arabia in Asia or Australia?
Yes. Saudi Arabia is in Asia.

What country has the largest oil reserves?
== == Saudi Arabia Saudi-Arabia.

When did Saudi Arabia begin?
Saudi Arabia became a country in 1932.

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