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What is Acne?

Acne is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. It often causes whiteheads, blackheads or pimples, and usually appears on the face, forehead, chest, upper back and shoulders. Acne is most common among teenagers, though it affects people of all ages. Use the best herbal cream for acne to protect your skin.

unexposure and excessive heat in summer causes more sweating, skin burns, inflammation, tanning and sebum secretion. This in turn will induce acne due to deposition of excess sebum on skin, blocking of skin pores, adhesion of acne causing microbes.

Follow the tips to protect your skin this summer:

Cover your skin as much as possible

Use umbrella and sunglasses that protect against UV rays.

Wear cotton dress and avoid tight dresses

Reduce sun exposure during the times when the sun is at its strongest

Select your sunscreen carefully. Choose a non-comedogenic, water-based, non-oily quality sun screeners
Apart from these, to keep acne away this summer, follow the below mentioned tips:

Maintain a healthy skin care regimen!

Cleanse your skin twice a day (morning and night) with cold water using a cleanser that is gentle and suited to your skin type.

Avoid rubbing your skin when cleansing and gently tap it dry with a soft towel.

Drink lots of water to keep your skin well-hydrated and healthy.

Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in the form of salads and fresh juices( Ideally without sugar)

Avoid eating oily and sugary foods which may cause build up of sebum in the skin

Don�t prick your pimple!

Pimples and lam visa my blackheads shouldn�t be pricked, scratched or pierced. Popping a pimple leads to inflammation and the spread of germs on neighbouring skin.

Moreover, pricking pimples increases the risk of scarring.
Dual therapy with Eve fresh pimple cure cream paste and Eve fresh cream is amongst the most effective and total treatment of acne and pimples form eruptions

Get dual benefits of a specialist and a professional

Evefresh pimple cure cream paste is a `specialist� wash off product. It effectively opens the pores of the skin, removes the desquamated cells, reduces the hyperthickened skin cells thereby making the skin soft and supple.

To retain the silky shine of the skin and keep it free from blemishes, oiliness and post pimple scars, use of Evefresh cream the `professional� is recommended. It offers sun protection, the much needed moisturisation and microbial protection.

Anti Acne Scar Cream - Herbal Cream for Acne

A herbal anti acne pack that not only clears acne but also prevents its recurrence and reduces associated skin darkening and scars

Ideal anti acne product with a number of benefits

Benefits of Verdura anti acne pack

Clears pimples and reduces associated skin darkening/scars

Targets microbes which cause pimple

Controls Sebum and enhances exfoliation of dead cells

Acts against Acne/Pimples and associated skin darkening/scars

Reduces hyper thickened dark skin coloration around the neck

Removes skin clogging and occlusion

Offers Sun protection

Offers blemish free even toned skin