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Revisión actual del 19:02 23 abr 2019

One of the women accused of performing sex acts on New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft and other men inside an illicit Florida spa now faces prostitution charges in connection with the case, according to an arrest document. Shen Mingbi, 58, is accused of performing sex acts on eight different men at the Orchids of Asia Day Spa in Jupiter. Those acts were captured on surveillance video between Jan. 19 and Jan. 22, the police report shows.eros.com Kraft, 77, was one of the four men who visited Mingbi on Jan. 19. Kraft is accused of paying Mingbi and another woman, Lei Wang, in cash for a sex act that was recorded on the surveillance camera.

The video from that surveillance operation is the subject of legal wrangling, with Kraft's attorneys fighting to keep it out of the public eye and media organizations arguing it should be released under Florida law. According to other court documents, Kraft returned to the spa on Jan. 20 and paid for a sex act from a different woman. This was also caught on camera. After that visit, Kraft flew to Kansas City, where he saw his team defeat the Chiefs in the AFC Championship game. Kraft was charged in late February and has pleaded not guilty to two counts of solicitation of prostitution, a misdemeanor, but has apologized for his actions. About two dozen other men were also charged in connection with the investigation.

But is it really that simple? Is the explanation really just that people have decided to become less moral? If we were to ask people who partake in these god-awful activities, would they explain that, one day, they just up-and-decided to be evil? Or is there a more understandable, comprehensive explanation for it all? This article will be a proposed solution - lord knows I can't solve everything! The arguments will be based off of liberty, the Constitution, and an economic understanding of human nature and action. Why Are The Problems Problems At All? This is quite possibly the most important question to ask.

Many people, when dealing with the issues at hand, will talk about how we need to arrest more people, prevent X and Y, hunt down those responsible, and whatnot. But we need to ask ourselves why are these things problems to begin with? Let's begin with drugs - why are these drugs so horrible? Certainly many people will argue that heroine, cocaine, crack, weed, cigarettes, alcohol, and many other drugs are bad for you. But what is the major problem with drugs? Is the problem really just that they are immoral substances? Is it that people are just having too much fun with them? Or is the problem that people become addicted to them and they will end up ruining their lives to continue their addiction?

I think most people can argue that, indeed, the last argument - that people can become addicted - is the most likely candidate. Indeed, addiction is a problem. I personally am already addicted to too many things - food, water, the necessary nutrients, sleep, a nice warm home, and my computer. Lord knows I don't want to add cocaine or tobacco to that list! But addiction only really hurts the person who uses/abuses the substance. Why should I care if some guy in another state gets addicted to heroine?theguardian.com It's horrible, and I would feel sorry for him, but lord knows his addiction doesn't directly affect my life in any way.

This is the biggest issue with illegal drugs - they cause people to give up on their 'societal duties' because they have to constantly be paying for their drug and hiding their addiction from everyone in their lives. What are the problems with immigration? Becoming a US citizen (another link)? Well, honestly, I'm sure that no one really has problems with immigrants. What's there to hate? They want to work, they work hard, etc. The only real problems are that they immigrate in massive numbers and that some people are afraid that their culture might be infringed upon. The real 'problems' with immigration are hard to pin down. Do people actually hate immigrants just because they are immigrants? I doubt it, but then again, you never know.

I would think that some of the problems with human trafficking (not all of them) would pertain to immigration. Many immigrants try to come into America for the hope of a better future and a more promising life. Many go into horrible debt to pay for safe travel into the US, and there are groups of people who raid the incoming immigrants to abduct them and sell them into servitude. Gang crimes and forced prostitution are both inter-related and separate from the previous issues, so I wanted to talk about them a bit separately. Many gang crimes can be put under the heading of "Drugs".

Of course not all of them can - many gangs require 'protection money' and other such things, but many gang crimes begin with drugs. The Mafia took hold and came to power thanks to prohibition. Another way gangs can make money is prostitution. This is mostly a problem due to morality issues and because the (usually) women are treated pretty horribly with no safety nets to protect them. Child prostitution, another disgusting and vile plague on our society, generally comes about when a child is abandoned, they runaway, they are pressured from parents, or just simply being abducted during immigration attempts. Usually the abandoned or runaway child is just simply trying to make ends meet, and the easiest way to make money is (likely) prostitution. My proposed solution is to simply follow our great country's history of immigration, and to follow the Constitution.

Our country is founded by one simple word: immigration. There are few people who can claim that their entire family tree is made up of only natives (I don't really want to use this as an argument, but even the Native-Americans emigrated from Asia millennia ago). The biggest problem with immigrants is that it's so incredibly difficult to become a citizen of this country unless you already work for a major company. A way to aide in accomplishing this (immigration problems) would be to end the welfare state. This is obviously hypocritical and illogical. Nowhere in the Constitution of these United States is the right to welfare defended, nor is the power to create welfare delegated to the federal government.

It is, at best, a state's issue. Before I begin - I DO NOT CONDONE THE USE OF DRUGS! Ending the war on drugs would almost immediately end the problems associated with drug use. The major problem with drugs is not that people get high, it's that they become addicted to the substance and, due to their high price and stigmatized nature, often have to resort to illegal activity to pay for it. But marijuana and many other drug-plants are actually weeds that grow at such heinous rates that, if legalized, the supply would skyrocket - thus making prices decrease. Also, by making it legal to use and to sell would reduce the cost: how much extra work has to be put forth in hiding the activities involved with cultivation and sale?

With a sharp decrease in price, the number of illegal acts needed to pay for a "habit" would also be reduced. With a reduction in stigma attached to drug use, people could quit hiding their addictions and would likely be more forthcoming in asking for help. There is no authority given to the federal government to authorize and engage in a war against drugs. The Congress does not have the authority to legislate on such subjects: it's a state issue. States would most likely make drugs illegal, but perhaps they wouldn't. And if they didn't then the issue would be up to the free market - If a company didn't want their employees using drugs, they would initiate checks against it (such as the current drug tests people undertake).

People are addicted to tobacco, but because they can jump outside every couple of hours and smoke a cigarette they don't have horrible problems on the job. The problems would, at worse, be similar to alcoholic-problems, but surely this would be better than the current problems associated with drugs. Also, legalizing drugs would cripple gang related violence and international drug cartels by making the product readily available to the thousands of people who could easily grow their own supply. Prices would plummet, and so would the income generated for the crime syndicates. A further bonus to drug legalization would be better quality of product. There would be a sharp decrease in deaths due to contaminated or impure drugs. The main problem with prostitution, the oldest profession in history, was that it results in horrible conditions for the woman.

If it were legalized, the women could be protected through their pimps or mistresses, or whatever the CEO of a company of "ill-repute" would be called. If it were legal, then the prostitutes could go seek legal aid when dealing with abusive clients, business partners, or managers. Legalizing prostitution would reduce gang related violence by reducing the income of gang syndicates. If it were legalized the supply of prostitutes would likely increase, and thus prices would naturally lower. This reduction of prices would reduce incentives to prostitution-related ills; perhaps it might even reduce child prostitution. The issues of legalizing prostitution is dealt with very well in Walter Block's Defending the Undefendable.eros.com No where in the Constitution is the power to outlaw prostitution granted. It is, at best, a state issue. Now, this is the section where I'm going to get yelled at the most! But hear me out!

I know that not everyone is going to hop on board with the entire "end child labor laws" thing, but the reason that child labor was ended in the US had nothing at all to do with the labor laws. The labor laws were mostly passed at the behest of women's labor unions who didn't appreciate the competition of low-wage labor provided by children. I promise to post any comments posted to this article), you can read an article by Jeffrey Tucker, or you can read more in my "Evan's Easy Economics". Child labor ended because the increased capital (machines and other production increasing equipment) led to a reduced need for labor. This is why, when you think of child labor in the US, you think of big machines - the big machines were needed to slowly push children out of the work place.

Minimum wage laws also have an unintended consequence on the market. 7, then the company is not going to hire me - who wants to lose money on labor? 3/hour, then I can work. It might not be a wonderful standard of living by comparison to other workers, but at least I'll have an income! To bring my argument back to the Constitution, there is no authority anywhere in the Supreme Law of the Land to initiate a federal minimum wage. States can do so, but not the federal government. This would provide a wonderful alternative to child prostitution and other horrible jobs.

I hope, at the very least, I've given you something to think about. I'm sure not many readers will agree with what I've written, and some will absolutely detest what I've written (once again, I promise to post any pertinent comments that people write. Does anyone know how to allow comments to be posted without me needing to approve? These proposed solutions will not necessarily completely end the problems, but I have full confidence that, if initiated, they would at least reduce the problems.londonescortguide.com Please keep the angry comments civil at the very least! Presidents of the United StatesThe mob boss would have been indicted except for the Office of Legal Counsel policy that prevented it!

U.S. Democratic PartyWhat Do Democrats Believe and Support? Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Newsflash, indeed. Humanity relied on child labor for about 30,000 years or more. Having children be educated instead of working is a new luxury that has only existed for about 100 years. First of all this is stupid, I realize you are just putting your ideas out there but you have a pretty twisted way of thinking.