Edición de «United Kingdom Tourist Destinations For Stunning Holiday Tour»

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United Kingdom is a sovereign state situated in Europe with London being its capital. It consists of Great Britain and Northern Island. United Kingdom tourist destinations with their rich history, spectacular landscapes and significant cultural aspects attract many visitors from different parts of the world.<br><br>London, located on the River Thames is the capital of England and United Kingdom, and is also considered as the largest urban zone of European Union. It is a place of historical significance which has achieved excellence in the fields of education, [http://www.visahanquocgiare.com/ visa di han quoc] arts, tourism, commerce, healthcare, media, entertainment, finance, fashion, professional services, research and development, and transport. Some of the most popular attractions of London are; Big Ben, which is the Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster. It was built in 1858. The Tower Bridge of London is one of the most famous bridges of the world. You can take picture of the Tower Bridge and as well can go inside the bridge and have a magnificent view over London from the walkway between two [http://edition.cnn.com/search/?text=bridge%20towers bridge towers]. London Eye is a giant observation wheel which is popular among tourists. The Tower of London is another popular attraction which is also famous for its collection of Crown Jewels. London is one of the most significant United Kingdom tourist destinations.<br><br>Windsor Castle which has surface area of thirteen acres is the world's largest occupied castle. Many ceremonial affairs are held in this castle. The Stonehenge is one of the most famous United Kingdom tourist destinations. It is also one of the most symbolic sites throughout the country. It is five thousand years old and the reason behind its construction is still a mystery. Bath is a place which has the only hot springs of U.K. The original Bathhouse was built by the Romans in 4A.D. You can visit Thermae Bath Spa where you can enjoy thermal baths and hot springs.<br><br>Snowdonia is one of the most spectacular landscapes of the country where tourists can enjoy outdoor activities such as cycling, trekking, relaxing walks, riding and pony trekking. York Minster is a 600 years old Gothic Cathedral which is huge and gorgeous. It took 250 years to build this Cathedral and the Gothic stained glass in this cathedral is of the largest breadth in the world.�<br><br>British cuisine reflects something from all other cultures and has inspired many other culinary traditions. Some of the popular British cuisines are; corned beef pie, roast beef, chip butty, haggis, toad in the hole, coronation chicken, banana caramel dessert, trifle and many more. United Kingdom tourist destinations which come with vivid tasty delights and local delicious dishes will not disappoint food lovers at all.
United Kingdom is a sovereign state situated in Europe with London being its capital. It consists of Great Britain and Northern Island. United Kingdom tourist destinations with their rich history, spectacular landscapes and significant cultural aspects attract many visitors from different parts of the world.<br><br>London, located on the River Thames is the capital of England and United Kingdom, and is also considered as the largest urban zone of European Union. It is a place of historical significance which has achieved excellence in the fields of education, arts, tourism, commerce, healthcare, media, entertainment, finance, fashion, professional services, research and [http://www.visahanquocgiare.com/ dich vu visa han quoc] development, and transport. Some of the most popular attractions of London are; Big Ben, which is the Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster. It was built in 1858. The Tower Bridge of London is one of the most famous bridges of the world. You can take picture of the Tower Bridge and as well can go inside the bridge and have a magnificent view over London from the walkway between two bridge towers. London Eye is a giant observation wheel which is popular among tourists. The Tower of London is another popular attraction which is also famous for its collection of Crown Jewels. London is one of the most significant United Kingdom tourist destinations.<br><br>Windsor Castle which has surface area of thirteen acres is the world's largest occupied castle. Many ceremonial affairs are held in this castle. The Stonehenge is one of the most famous United Kingdom tourist destinations. It is also one of the most symbolic sites throughout the country. It is five thousand years old and the reason behind its construction is still a mystery. Bath is a place which has the only hot springs of U.K. The original Bathhouse was built by the Romans in 4A.D. You can visit Thermae Bath Spa where you can enjoy thermal baths and hot springs.<br><br>Snowdonia is one of the most spectacular landscapes of the country where tourists can enjoy outdoor activities such as cycling, trekking, relaxing walks, riding and pony trekking. York Minster is a 600 years old [http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/search/?q=Gothic%20Cathedral Gothic Cathedral] which is huge and gorgeous. It took 250 years to build this Cathedral and the Gothic stained glass in this cathedral is of the largest breadth in the world.�<br><br>British cuisine reflects something from all other cultures and has inspired many other culinary traditions. Some of the popular British cuisines are; corned beef pie, roast beef, chip butty, haggis, toad in the hole, coronation chicken, banana caramel dessert, trifle and many more. United Kingdom tourist destinations which come with vivid tasty delights and local delicious dishes will not disappoint food lovers at all.

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