Edición de «Trang Thailand - Thailand Best Unknown Secret.»

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After hearing from many Thai’s raving on about Trang and how the snorkeling was great, I thought I better go see what the fuss is all about and also heard great reviews in a few Thai forums.<br>My wife and I went to a travel expo in Bangkok and booked a package which included 2 nights accommodation, including all meals and 2 days of [https://Www.gizmos.com/?qo=footer snorkeling].<br>After a 1 hour flight we landed in Trang, it is located south of Phuket. Our resort picked us up from the airport and took us to a pier for our ferry to our resort which was on a small island. At the pier I couldn’t help but notice all the rubbish that was around, [https://www.kynghidongduong.vn/blog/kinh-nghiem-du-lich-tour-phuong-hoang-co-tran-tu-a-den-z.html kynghidongduong.vn] the place was filthy and I was [https://Www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/start starting] to think this trip is not going to live up to the hype from my Thai friends.<br><br>But after the ferry to our resort I was surprised that the rubbish had disappeared. Our bungalow was located about 10 meters from the beach which was nice.<br>After we dropped our bags off we went to have diner, where we were greeted with 6 dishes of seafood. The amount of food would of feed a family. After dinner which we didn’t come close to finishing we went back to the bungalow for some sleep to get ready for a full day of snorkeling.<br><br>In the 2 days of snorkeling, we had an amazing time, there was so much fish and they would eat rice right out of our hands. We also went to a place called the emerald cave, its a small opening in the side of a mountain which we swam as a group into (with life jackets).<br><br>The cave was really dark, but if you looked down the water was light blue and [https://www.kynghidongduong.vn/blog/kinh-nghiem-du-lich-tour-phuong-hoang-co-tran-tu-a-den-z.html tour thái lan] was giving us a little light from the reflection from the sun. After about 30 meters in it just went pitch black for about 50 meters. Once we got to the end of the cave,  [http://vtr.org.vn/khach-di-lai-giua-thai-lan-viet-nam-se-thuan-loi-hon.html tour thái lan] the water lit up as there was an opening at the end of the cave.<br>Our guide told us there is a small beach surrounded by cliffs on the other side of the wall. But to get there we would have to swim under the wall for about 5 meters. I am a pretty strong swimmer and it was easy for me, but we had one guy who couldn’t swim at all.<br><br>We had to make him hold his breath and 2 of us swam and pushed him under and through to the other side.<br>Once we all got through we were on a beach that was about 50 by 50 meters. It was a stunning place. I was told by our guide, that many years ago this is where pirates used to hide there [http://www.Community.Covnews.com/archives/search/?searchthis=valuables valuables].<br>Once we got back out we went to many other spots to snorkel before we went back to our resort.It was an exhausting day.<br>After each tiring day we were greeted by a huge amount of seafood for dinner. I have to say this trip did live up to the hype. Trang is a beautiful place to visit, I would recommend it to anyone. If you like the sun, good food and snorkeling, then Trang is the place to go.
After hearing from many Thai’s raving on about Trang and how the snorkeling was great, [http://vtr.org.vn/khach-di-lai-giua-thai-lan-viet-nam-se-thuan-loi-hon.html tour thái lan] I thought I better go see what the fuss is all about and also heard great reviews in a few Thai forums.<br>My wife and I went to a travel expo in Bangkok and booked a package which included 2 nights accommodation, [http://Www.superghostblogger.com/?s=including including] all meals and 2 days of snorkeling.<br>After a 1 hour flight we landed in Trang, [https://www.kynghidongduong.vn/blog/kinh-nghiem-du-lich-tour-phuong-hoang-co-tran-tu-a-den-z.html tour thái lan] it is located south of Phuket. Our resort picked us up from the airport and took us to a pier for our ferry to our resort which was on a small island. At the pier I couldn’t help but notice all the rubbish that was around, the place was filthy and I was [https://www.Thefreedictionary.com/starting starting] to think this trip is not going to live up to the hype from my Thai friends.<br><br>But after the ferry to our resort I was surprised that the rubbish had disappeared. Our bungalow was located about 10 meters from the beach which was nice.<br>After we dropped our bags off we went to have diner, where we were greeted with 6 dishes of seafood. The amount of food would of feed a family. After dinner which we didn’t come close to finishing we went back to the bungalow for some sleep to get ready for a full day of snorkeling.<br><br>In the 2 days of snorkeling, we had an amazing time, there was so much fish and they would eat rice right out of our hands. We also went to a place called the emerald cave, its a small opening in the side of a mountain which we swam as a group into (with life jackets).<br><br>The cave was really dark, but if you looked down the water was light blue and was giving us a little light from the reflection from the sun. After about 30 meters in it just went pitch black for about 50 meters. Once we got to the end of the cave,  [http://vtr.org.vn/khach-di-lai-giua-thai-lan-viet-nam-se-thuan-loi-hon.html vtr.org.vn] the water lit up as there was an opening at the end of the cave.<br>Our guide told us there is a small beach surrounded by cliffs on the other side of the wall. But to get there we would have to swim under the wall for about 5 meters. I am a pretty strong swimmer and it was easy for me, but we had one guy who couldn’t swim at all.<br><br>We had to make him hold his breath and 2 of us swam and pushed him under and through to the other side.<br>Once we all got through we were on a beach that was about 50 by 50 meters. It was a stunning place. I was told by our guide, that many years ago this is where pirates used to hide there valuables.<br>Once we got back out we went to many other spots to snorkel before we went back to our resort.It was an exhausting day.<br>After each tiring day we were greeted by a huge amount of seafood for dinner. I have to say this trip did live up to the hype. Trang is a beautiful place to visit, I would recommend it to anyone. If you like the sun, good food and snorkeling, then Trang is the place to go.

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