Edición de «The Power Of Focus»

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Kirk Franklin does not sing well.<br><br>Kirk Franklin admits that he does not sing well.<br><br>So how did someone who does not sing well become one of the<br>largest gospel recording acts today? <br><br>The answer is that the man can do just about everything<br>else. He is a songwriter, choir director, consummate<br>performer and record producer. As for the singing, he<br>finds vocalists who sing well to do that for him. But who's<br>name is on the CD cover? Kirk Franklin.<br><br>[http://www.healthable.org/?s=Kirk%20Franklin Kirk Franklin] didn't ignore his shortcomings, he made them<br>work for him. He had a vision for his life and he followed<br>it. And no, [https://www.kynghidongduong.vn/tours/tour-du-lich-singapore-malaysia-indonesia-gia-re-tu-ha-noi-sai-gon-hcm.html kynghidongduong.vn] he doesn't sing a word on his current CD, "The<br>Rebirth of Kirk Franklin." He raps.<br><br>In her book "You can Heal Your Life", Louise Hay gives the<br>readers an example of her typical day. As soon as she gets<br>up in the morning, she sings affirmations. At noon she<br>again does affirmations. At night before she goes to bed,<br>she writes down whatever affirmation she's working with at<br>the time 10 or 25 times.<br><br>The woman is incredibly focused. She's arranged her life so<br>that everything she sees and everywhere she goes reflects<br>her version of life. She blesses her door. (who things of<br>blessing their door?) because only good comes through it. <br>She blesses her mailbox because only good news enters it. <br>She totally focuses on the positive. Now she's taken up<br>painting. Do you have any doubt that she'll succeed?<br><br>Homer Hickam wasn't good in algebra. In fact, [https://www.kynghidongduong.vn/tours/tour-du-lich-singapore-malaysia-indonesia-gia-re-tu-ha-noi-sai-gon-hcm.html Tour singapore malaysia giá rẻ từ hà nội] he was almost<br>failing. Yet, [https://www.kynghidongduong.vn/tours/tour-du-lich-singapore-malaysia-indonesia-gia-re-tu-ha-noi-sai-gon-hcm.html Tour singapore giá rẻ] this [http://En.Wiktionary.org/wiki/teenager teenager] wanted to become a rocket<br>scientist. He grew up in a [http://Www.recruitingblogs.com/main/search/search?q=coal%20mining coal mining] town in West<br>Virginia where the only way to college was through a<br>football scholarship. <br><br>It didn't make sense that someone with his background and<br>his lack of abilities could become a rocket scientist. Yet. <br>He did. Despite what others thought of his dreams, he<br>focused on them and was determined to accomplish them.<br><br>Peter Drucker noted that, "whenever anything is being<br>accomplished, it is being done, I have learned, by a<br>monomaniac with a mission." There's much to say about<br>moderation. But not when it comes to your dreams and goals. <br><br>If you keep the vision of your life in front of you all the<br>time, you won't pay attention to the judgments of others. <br>After all, I'm sure plenty of folks let Kirk Franklin know<br>that he did not sing well. <br><br>And look where he is now.
Kirk Franklin does not sing well.<br><br>Kirk Franklin admits that he does not sing well.<br><br>So how did someone who does not sing well become one of the<br>largest gospel recording acts today? <br><br>The answer is that the man can do just about everything<br>else. He is a songwriter, choir director, consummate<br>performer and record producer. As for the singing, he<br>finds vocalists who sing well to do that for him. But who's<br>name is on the CD cover? Kirk Franklin.<br><br>Kirk Franklin didn't ignore his shortcomings, he made them<br>work for him. He had a vision for his life and he followed<br>it. And no, he doesn't sing a word on his current CD, "The<br>Rebirth of Kirk Franklin." He raps.<br><br>In her book "You can Heal Your Life", Louise Hay gives the<br>readers an example of her typical day. As soon as she gets<br>up in the morning, [https://www.kynghidongduong.vn/tours/tour-du-lich-singapore-malaysia-indonesia-gia-re-tu-ha-noi-sai-gon-hcm.html tour malaysia giá rẻ] she sings affirmations. At noon she<br>again does affirmations. At night before she goes to bed,<br>she writes down whatever affirmation she's working with at<br>the time 10 or 25 times.<br><br>The woman is incredibly focused. She's arranged her life so<br>that everything she sees and everywhere she goes reflects<br>her version of life. She [https://twitter.com/search?q=blesses&src=typd blesses] her door. (who things of<br>blessing their door?) because only good comes through it. <br>She blesses her mailbox because only good [http://Www.Msnbc.com/search/news%20enters news enters] it. <br>She totally focuses on the positive. Now she's taken up<br>painting. Do you have any doubt that she'll succeed?<br><br>Homer Hickam wasn't good in algebra. In fact, he was almost<br>failing. Yet, this teenager wanted to become a rocket<br>scientist. He grew up in a coal mining town in West<br>Virginia where the only way to college was through a<br>football scholarship. <br><br>It didn't make sense that someone with his background and<br>his lack of abilities could become a rocket scientist. Yet. <br>He did. Despite what others thought of his dreams, he<br>focused on them and was determined to accomplish them.<br><br>Peter Drucker noted that, "whenever anything is being<br>accomplished, it is being done, I have learned, by a<br>monomaniac with a mission." There's much to say about<br>moderation. But not when it comes to your dreams and [https://www.kynghidongduong.vn/tours/tour-du-lich-singapore-malaysia-indonesia-gia-re-tu-ha-noi-sai-gon-hcm.html kynghidongduong.vn] goals. <br><br>If you keep the vision of your life in front of you all the<br>time, you won't pay attention to the judgments of others. <br>After all, I'm sure plenty of folks let Kirk Franklin know<br>that he did not sing well. <br><br>And [https://www.kynghidongduong.vn/tours/tour-du-lich-singapore-malaysia-indonesia-gia-re-tu-ha-noi-sai-gon-hcm.html Tour singapore giá rẻ] look where he is now.

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