Edición de «The American Israeli And Iranian War 2012: A Pre-emptive Review»

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The globalist funded main stream media have recently increased reporting of the propaganda led by the American and Israeli governments about the upcoming war against Iran. The rhetoric and propaganda circulating the world about the upcoming attack on Iran is at an all-time high. A simple Google News search for ‘Israel Iran war’ will produce over 3,700 results. The proponents of the New World Order have been working tirelessly to ensure that the Israel / American coalition attack Iran sooner rather than later. Sadly, it’s the 75 million innocent civilians of Iran who will suffer the most from the conflict.<br><br> <br><br>WHY AN ATTACK IS IMMINENTMany questions are being asked about why Israel and America are preparing for an attack on Iran. One credible theory for why Israel and America are preparing to attack Iran is being attributed to a shift in control and demand for oil.<br><br>Oil production is reducing in America and security of oil supplies for Americans and Israelis is more uncertain than ever before. Oil production in the United States of America has been in decline since the early 80’s<br><br>Even more concerning is the fact that the American population has been growing at a steady rate. According to the U.S. Census Bureau the current population of America is 312,852,757 million. This figure represents an astonishing25% increase in population since 1990 (249,000,000 million). Israel has also been experiencing similar population growth. Israel’s population has exploded to 7,620,000 from 4,660,000 in 1990. This equates to a 65% increase in population.<br><br>What this population growth means is that both the American and Israeli economies need more oil, need more energy to power industry and need more energy to expand food production facilities.<br><br>Other theories suggest that an attack on Iran is being used as a false-flag for the upcoming introduction of the New World Order. There is no doubt now that the tragic events of 9/11 were used as a false-flag for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. What’s not so clear is that how will the globalists use the upcoming war in Iran to introduce the New World Order and under what guise will they use? Could it be under the guise of the United Nations or could there be bigger plans we are yet to hear about? Other reports are [http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/proposing proposing] that an attack on Iran is being used as a catalyst to drive up oil prices to reduce oil consumption and global emission’s of which is part of the globalist backed carbon tax agenda.<br><br>PRESSURES FROM ABROADThe Russians are beginning to play a pivotal role in this saga. As we speak, it is the perception of the Russian Government that an attack is imminent. Recently, the head of Kremlin Security Nikolai Patrushev was quoted as saying, “There is a likelihood of military escalation of the conflict, towards which Israel is pushing the Americans“. Nikolai Patrushev then went on to say “It cannot be ruled out that the Iranians will be able to carry out their threat to shut exports of [http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&gl=us&tbm=nws&q=Saudi%20oil&gs_l=news Saudi oil] through the Strait of Hormuz if faced with military actions against them”.<br><br>The Russians have also been very sceptical about the United States Government assertion that Iran has developed nuclear weapons, and therefore the threat from Iran is a simple false-flag and nothing else. The Russians have publicly stated that the International Atomic Energy Agency’s reports from its inspectors that indicate that there is no evidence that Iran has diverted any enriched uranium from its nuclear energy program is still valid.<br><br>Another source of growing pressure is coming heavily from the Chinese Government. Recently, a top Chinese diplomat, Chen Xiaodong, said “war over the Iranian nuclear issue would bring disaster to the world economy and urged all nations involved to exercise restraint and prevent hostilities”. He also then went on to say that, “We urge all relevant nations to remain calm, exercise restraint, refrain from taking actions that will intensify the situation and make common efforts to prevent war,”. “Everyone knows that 40% of the oil shipped daily to every part of the world goes through the Strait of Hormuz, so once war starts in this region not only will the relevant nations be affected and attacked, it would also … bring disaster to a world economy deep in crisis.”<br><br>his world economic disaster that Chen Xiaodong is speaking about is exactly what the globalists are seeking to introduce the New World Order. And if you don’t believe me, well we all know that the United Nations was conceived out of the horrors of world war two to replace the so-called League of Nations.<br><br>Political pressure between the Americans and Israel for an attack on Iran is at a critical point. In fact, the political pressure is so intense that the Obama administration is believed to be sending Martin Dempsey, U.S. Chief of Joints of Staff, [https://www.burmatours.us lam visa nhat] to Israel to try to change Israel’s overly public aggression towards Iran. This act of political desperation demonstrates that not only are there pressures internally for war, but also for no conflict. Maybe, just maybe, common sense will prevail?<br><br>FINAL SAYThe evidence of another war in the middle-east is becoming stronger and stronger. The globalists are gearing us all up for another unnecessary war and we are helpless in doing anything to stop this non-sense. Pressure from the globalists to introduce global government and the New World Order will be a direct consequence of this war. Although we must concede that there is little we can do to prevent this war, if we keep up the fight and remind our elected officials that they are meant to represent our wishes, than maybe one day there won’t be another unnecessary war like the ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The globalist funded main stream media have recently increased reporting of the propaganda led by the American and Israeli governments about the upcoming war against Iran. The rhetoric and propaganda circulating the world about the upcoming attack on Iran is at an all-time high. A simple Google News search for ‘Israel Iran war’ will produce over 3,700 results. The proponents of the New World Order have been working tirelessly to ensure that the Israel / American coalition attack Iran sooner rather than later. Sadly, it’s the 75 million innocent civilians of Iran who will suffer the most from the conflict.<br><br> <br><br>WHY AN ATTACK IS IMMINENTMany questions are being asked about why Israel and America are preparing for an attack on Iran. One credible theory for why Israel and America are preparing to attack Iran is being attributed to a shift in control and demand for oil.<br><br>Oil production is reducing in America and security of oil supplies for Americans and Israelis is more uncertain than ever before. [http://de.Bab.la/woerterbuch/englisch-deutsch/Oil%20production Oil production] in the United States of America has been in decline since the early 80’s<br><br>Even more concerning is the fact that the American population has been growing at a steady rate. According to the U.S. Census Bureau the current population of America is 312,852,757 million. This figure represents an astonishing25% increase in population since 1990 (249,000,000 million). Israel has also been experiencing similar population growth. Israel’s population has exploded to 7,620,000 from 4,660,000 in 1990. This equates to a 65% increase in population.<br><br>What this population growth means is that both the American and Israeli economies need more oil, need more energy to power industry and need more energy to expand food production facilities.<br><br>Other theories suggest that an attack on Iran is being used as a false-flag for the upcoming introduction of the New World Order. There is no doubt now that the tragic events of 9/11 were used as a false-flag for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. What’s not so clear is that how will the globalists use the upcoming war in Iran to introduce the New World Order and under what guise will they use? Could it be under the guise of the United Nations or could there be bigger plans we are yet to hear about? Other reports are proposing that an attack on Iran is being used as a catalyst to drive up oil prices to reduce oil consumption and global emission’s of which is part of the globalist backed carbon tax agenda.<br><br>PRESSURES FROM ABROADThe Russians are beginning to play a pivotal role in this saga. As we speak, it is the perception of the Russian Government that an attack is imminent. Recently, the head of Kremlin Security Nikolai Patrushev was quoted as saying, “There is a likelihood of military escalation of the conflict, towards which Israel is pushing the Americans“. Nikolai Patrushev then went on to say “It cannot be ruled out that the Iranians will be able to carry out their threat to shut exports of Saudi oil through the Strait of Hormuz if faced with military actions against them”.<br><br>The Russians have also been very sceptical about the United States Government assertion that Iran has developed nuclear weapons, and therefore the threat from Iran is a simple false-flag and nothing else. The Russians have publicly stated that the International Atomic Energy Agency’s reports from its inspectors that indicate that there is no evidence that Iran has diverted any enriched uranium from its nuclear energy program is still valid.<br><br>Another source of growing pressure is coming heavily from the Chinese Government. Recently, a top Chinese diplomat, Chen Xiaodong, said “war over the Iranian nuclear issue would bring disaster to the world economy and urged all nations involved to exercise restraint and prevent hostilities”. He also then went on to say that, “We urge all relevant nations to remain calm, exercise restraint, refrain from taking actions that will intensify the situation and make common efforts to prevent war,”. “Everyone knows that 40% of the oil shipped daily to every part of the world goes through the Strait of Hormuz, so once war starts in this region not only will the relevant nations be affected and attacked, it would also … bring disaster to a world economy deep in crisis.”<br><br>his world economic disaster that Chen Xiaodong is speaking about is exactly what the globalists are seeking to introduce the New World Order. And if you don’t believe me, well we all know that the United Nations was conceived out of the horrors of world war two to replace the so-called League of Nations.<br><br>Political pressure between the Americans and [https://www.lamvisanhatban.com lam visa nhat] Israel for an attack on Iran is at a critical point. In fact, the political pressure is so intense that the Obama administration is believed to be sending Martin Dempsey, U.S. Chief of Joints of Staff, to Israel to try to change Israel’s overly public aggression towards Iran. This act of political desperation demonstrates that not only are there pressures internally for war, but also for no conflict. Maybe, just maybe, common sense will prevail?<br><br>FINAL SAYThe evidence of another war in the middle-east is becoming stronger and stronger. The globalists are gearing us all up for another unnecessary war and we are helpless in doing anything to stop this non-sense. Pressure from the globalists to introduce global government and the New World Order will be a direct consequence of this war. Although we must concede that there is little we can do to prevent this war, if we keep up the fight and remind our elected officials that they are meant to represent our wishes, than maybe one day there won’t be another unnecessary war like the ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.

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